Global Payroll system is a den of mysteries and one of them is the retro trigger created using INSERT SQL. The issue with this is it doesn't get picked up by the payroll process unless we also create an iterative trigger for the current open period.
In case you haven't noticed, whenever you create a retro trigger manually through PIA, it also creates an iterative trigger as it's shown below:
Retro trigger created through PIA
Iterative trigger is automatically created with source record as GP_RTO_TRGR_VW
So, it means whenever you create retro triggers using INSERT SQL then create an iterative trigger also. Only if you do this the payroll will pick up the retro trigger and process it.
You can use these SQLs to create retro trigger and iterative trigger respectively.
,'GBR','JOB',to_date( ,'DD-MM-RR'),SYSDATE,'M','U',' ',' ',' ',' ',null,0,' ');
,,'U',SYSDATE,'O','GBR','GP_RTO_TRGR_VW',' ',' ',null,0);
In case you haven't noticed, whenever you create a retro trigger manually through PIA, it also creates an iterative trigger as it's shown below:
Retro trigger created through PIA
So, it means whenever you create retro triggers using INSERT SQL then create an iterative trigger also. Only if you do this the payroll will pick up the retro trigger and process it.
You can use these SQLs to create retro trigger and iterative trigger respectively.