Saturday, June 1, 2019

Payee %1 is being processed in Group List %2 run by User %3. There could be other overlaps.

The below error usually occurs when we run the payroll for a payee using group list who is already being processed by another user through another Group List.

Payee %1 is being processed in Group List %2 run by User %3. There could be other overlaps.

To resolve it, the user needs to be deleted from the other group list used by the other user. Just run below SQL and re-run the payroll for payee in error.

ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_GP_PI_GEN_SOVR) violated in Global Payroll

This error usually occurs when the COBOL process GPPDPRUN errors out and we run it again on top of that. It basically tries to insert the same set of rows on the payroll processing tables with the earlier set of rows already present. And when it does that it throws the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT error.

The first thing that we need to do is check the process log where we will get the clue as to where exactly process failed. Important thing to notice here is, if you process the payroll through streams then it's better to check which particular stream caused the COBOL to fail. Once the stream is located then just cancel that particular stream and re-run it, the error will be gone.

However, if the payroll is processed without streams then the whole payroll needs to be cancelled and re-run which will resolve the issue.